POR-FESR 2014-2020
Project “WiseTown Ecosystem”
Regional Operational Program ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2014-2020 of the Umbria Region
The company TEAMDEV S.r.l. received a contribution from the funds “POR-FESR 2014-2020 – Axis I – Action 1.3.1 – NOTICE TO SUPPORT NEW INNOVATIVE SMEs – 2019” for the realization of the project WISETOWN ECOSYSTEM in collaboration with University of Perugia – Department of Political Science.
WiseTown Ecosystem has as main objective the development of an advanced data analysis engine able to represent and interpret the behavior of a system of complex relationships between all the Smart dimensions of the city (mobility, environment, security, people and governance), defined by Agid Triennial Plan as Smart Landscape. WiseTown Ecosystem is a technological platform hinged on three essential actions: introduction of new technologies enabling the enhancement of knowledge of domain scenarios; design of new processes dedicated to the interpretation of multi-domain and multi-level contexts; development of new services to support the activities of integrated analysis and planning carried out by decision makers. The project can be divided into 3 main interventions, each of which contributes to the creation of a self-consistent ecosystem: Data Integration, Data Analysis&Design Thinking, and Data Visualization&Correlation.