
our solutions for smart cities

city - public administration - pa - città

city of the future

We build sustainable cities through digital technologies.

A Smart City is a city that applies digital solutions to improve the services offered to citizens and meet the needs of a territory. WiseTown supports the decision-making process of Public Administration and enhances the relationship between citizens and administration. The software infrastructure underlying WiseTown acquires and monitors city data and transforms them into information available to institutions.

stories of
urban innovation

Overcoming technology bottlenecks in public administration and exploiting the benefits of technology: find out which cities have done it thanks to WiseTown

wisetown core

from city to ‘Smart City’

wisetown geoanalytics

l’acquachebevo, water portal

customized solutions

WiseTown’s team of specialists creates customized solutions that integrate the standard modules for the town with the services already activated and used by the municipality.

standard UE

WiseTown integrates FIWARE solutions, thanks to this we offer Public Administration an open and interoperable ecosystem that connects to the systems already in use and fully complies with the European Union’s smart city standards.

open source

funding for Smart City projects

The European Union makes funds available to finance projects related to the digitization of the city. Thanks to the collaboration with FIWARE Innova iHub, the only Digital Innovation Hub in Italy, we offer project support.

parla con noi - contact us

Talk with us

Turn your city into a Smart City, we are ready to accompany you every step of the way. Decide on the date and time of your appointment, we won’t miss it.